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Why is Post-ICU the best solution?

Post-ICU is the only digital diary that offers advanced features to help hospitals optimize post-ICU care and recovery

Not ready for a demo? Watch a quick intro.


Bridging the gap between ICU care and recovery
with a personalized diary for patients, families, and healthcare teams.
Increase patient satisfaction and caregiver efficiency
Reduce readmissions to the ICU
Improve HCAHPS score
Reduce admin burden and cost
Engage families in patient centric-care
Increase healthcare worker satisfaction

Features of the Post-ICU Digital Diary

A digital ICU diary opens up possibilities that were, up until now, unfeasible.
For example, Post-ICU offers more functionality than a paper alternative.

Secure and private log-in portal

Post-ICU uses a sophisticated and highly secure log-in portal. Numerous safeguards are in place to ensure that a diary is only accessible to the right people. Some hospitals are eligible for a Single-Sign-On (SSO) service. This can enhance the experience with the digital diary for healthcare professionals. Please inquire with us to discuss the possibilities.

Writing together is easier than ever

Invite multiple writers and readers to one diary. No matter where, no matter when. Post-ICU is available and up to date 24/7. Inviting someone to your Post-ICU diary is as easy as clicking a button. Having more than one person write in the diary ensures that the patient can later review what happened to them from multiple perspectives. Please inquire with us to discuss the possibilities.

Managing multiple diaries is no problem

As an ICU professional, you will likely have multiple diaries to manage. Post-ICU offers an intuitive interface and simple diary overview. Find the diary that you want to write for in a second. And when it’s time to close a patient’s diary, it’s easy to remove a diary from your list as well. Please inquire with us to discuss the possibilities.

Writing prompts

Never wonder about what you can write about again. Post-ICU offers many writing suggestions to help you. There are separate writing prompts available for family members, friends and healthcare professionals. Our digital diary will even offer you different writing suggestions depending on the situation of the ICU patient. Please inquire with us to discuss the possibilities.

It's true: a picture speaks louder than words

Photos add another layer to a diary. It provides the patient and family members a more complete story that they can relate to. As a patient, or their legal guardian, you can arrange permissions for uploading pictures. Would you like nurses to be able to upload pictures? Arrange it with a click. Please inquire with us to discuss the possibilities.

Everything that you want to be private, stays private

The patient is always the owner of their digital diary. If they (temporarily) are unable to manage their diary, their legal guardian takes over. They can arrange permissions for reading diary entries​. Not comfortable with ICU personnel reading your entries? Then switch it off with ease. We do recommend enabling healthcare workers to read entries, as we have seen this benefits communication and engagement tremendously. Please inquire with us to discuss the possibilities.

Experience the ICU Diary

Learn how to reduce ICU readmissions and improve patient care today!

The only digital, private and secure ICU diary

Post-ICU is currently the only digital ICU diary on the market.

Digital has a number of benefits over paper diaries. Most importantly, a digital ICU diary means that multiple people can journal simultaneously about the occurrences on the ICU. No matter the place, or the time zone of the writer. It also means that when the patient wakes up, they get to read about their experiences from multiple perspectives(ICU personnel, family, friends), allowing them to put the puzzle pieces together more easily. 

Additionally, Post-ICU is private and secure. Our documents, processes and the application itself all comply with standard US hospital security, legal and privacy practice. All data that is entered in Post-ICU’s digital diary is saved on US-based Google servers, and maintained by an ISO27001-certified hosting partner. 

Finally, general journaling apps are not integrated into the hospital’s protocols and do not allow for any collaboration between ICU caregivers and family members of patients.

Take advantage of our expert knowledge

Choosing Post-ICU means choosing our devoted, passionate team of experts who will implement  the digital diary with you.

Our team does not just tell you how to integrate the digital diary into your existing protocols. We go a step further and educate your ICU personnel about Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and person-centered care. Because our mission is to come together to fight PICS.

Our implementation service is more than just getting the technicalities right. We offer:

We also believe in the value of education, which is why our implementation service includes:


Bridging the gap between ICU care and recovery
with a personalized diary for patients, families, and healthcare teams.

Hospitals from the US and Europe

ICU diaries decrease the incidence of PTSD after an ICU stay

Average number of entries per journal

Saved monthly on an ICU with 4 FTEs

Tried and true turnkey implementation

Implementing an innovative solution in your hospital may seem daunting. 
How long will this take, and how much valuable time will this take from my staff?

Using standardized and compliant templates, a minimal burden is placed on your staff of approximately 20 hrs.

Steps 1 - 3

Step 1

Legal & privacy

terms and conditions

Preparation phase

Step 2

Signing Agreement



Step 3

Setting up IT and access


Implementing the Diary

Step 4

Embedding in the ICU work processes


Step 5

Promotion, training and introduction (launch)





What others love about Post-ICU

A word from Seth van der Meer, CEO of Post-ICU:

“With a digital icu diary, things like consent, privacy, and ownership can  be regulated much more professionally. Even a scenario like ‘what to do in case of death’ is something we have never actually heard of as a problem.

On the contrary, many families use the Post-ICU diary to help with mourning or even read from it during a funeral.

By arranging in the user agreement that diaries can be deleted at any time  (Right to Erasure, better known as the ‘Right to be Forgotten’, a GDPR directive), that aspect can also be well controlled.”

Talk with one of our experts​

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Post-ICU is trusted by +25 Hospital's in Europe and US